November 2022

A new Belize Companies Act, hereinafter called “the Act” has been issued that will replace all former Acts, including the International Business Act, Cap 270. 


This new legislation was passed on July 28th, 2022; however, only a few sections (administrative) were enforced at that time with the remaining sections to come into force on November 28th, 2022 to coincide with the launch of the new “Online Business Registration System” (OBRS) to be implemented by the Registry of Companies.   


Please also note that ALL "IBC's" must re-register once the new system is launched and a new certificate of incorporation will be issued. ICAZA will re-register the active companies on your behalf.


The regulations to accompany the act are being finalized.  As soon as they are released, we will send a memorandum with a summary of the new features of both the Act and the regulations.


The Financial Services Commission (FSC)  has advised of the following regarding the impending launch of OBRS:

  • November 8 - The Registry has stopped new incorporations under the former Acts.
  • November 18 - The Registry shuts down for migration to OBRS. 

Due to the migration, please take note that the registry will not be accepting any requests for services (incorporations/miscellaneous services) for a period of three (3) weeks, from November 8th to 25th, 2022).  


Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact us.

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Aquilino de la Guardia St., No. 8, IGRA Building, Panama City, Panama 0823-02435, Panama

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